Saturday, February 6, 2010

FactsFirst by Saxon

FactsFirst is an online program created by the people at Saxon to help children learn and really cement their basic math facts.

The student starts by creating an image of themselves to use while online. I must admit this kind of irritated me at first. I wanted to sign up and get right down to business, but the program made them crate a person first. My kids spent a LONG time creating just the right person. There were many, many choices. I didn’t put them on the computer to play, this was school time!

The thing is, when I asked them the next day to do their online math they asked me which one the ‘fun one or the boring one’? (we were working on two different online programs) This was telling to me. They started off with FactsFirst with in a positive, fun way and that first impression stayed with them even as the work began.

I was really impressed with this program and it’s thoroughness. Every now and then, I’d here my kids laughing and ask them what they were doing. They would respond that they were playing a game, but the program was MAKING them! (they thought this was great fun) Of course when I looked over their shoulder I realized that these ‘games’ were really more fact drilling.

I think FactsFirst is an excellent thing to add to your mathematics arsenal. It’s a great way to teach the facts, but it’s also a great way to keep the older kids sharp with their facts, in just a few minutes a day.

You can go here to find out what it is, and here to find out how it works,and you can click on the icon below to see what others on The Crew had to say about it.

Happy Homeschooling!

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