Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Family Mint

Let me just start by saying…FREE! Who doesn’t love free? Family Mint is a FREE website where you can teach your kids about money. Think Quicken for Kids. It is a way you can give your kids allowance, and teach them how to deal properly with it. They can deposit money, save money, give to charity and many other things all virtually through this website and you as the parent can monitor it all.

You can set it up totally virtually, so no money actually changes hands. This would make a great personal finance unit study! Or you can have the money on the website represent real money, an allowance perhaps, that your child will actually get. Either way it’s a good learning experience.

When my sons each got their own checking account there was a bit of a learning curve but I can see that If we make Family Mint a part of our school, my girls will be ahead of the game when it comes to their turn to get a bank account.

The Family Mint website is a top notch site. It has a very nice user interface, but it is simple and straightforward enough for children to understand and use.

You can go here to see what others on The Crew had to say about Family Mint and you can go here to sign up and start your Family Bank!

Happy Homeschooling!

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