Friday, October 29, 2010


I have a yucky review to write for you today. The stuff I am reviewing was yucky. I did not like it. But it was yucky, so my children did. Did I mention…YUCK!?

Yuck is…well, I am not even sure how to describe this stuff. It is a white powdery substance that comes in little baggies, but worry not, it is not an illicit substance. Well, as far as the law is concerned. Mothers everywhere might disagree.

You add water to this yucky stuff and you get varying degrees of other yucky stuff. Man, I should be a writer. I am so good with the words!

Perhaps pictures are the way to go here…

Sticky Yuck

Water Added...

Snowy Yuck

Water added…

Chunky Yuck

Water added…

Saucy Yuck

Water added…

Okay, in all seriousness, this stuff is kinda cool. It came with an entire paper labeled ‘Yuck Games’ and another little booklet called ‘Yuck Science’.

While I am not a messy kinda of gal, and I try to keep the mess far from my homeschool (my poor children), I think having some Yuck on hand would be just the perfect thing for that rainy day that really needs a little something special…or yucky!

You can go here to find out more about Yuck and even order your own sample pack, and you can go here to see what others on The Crew had to say about Yuck!

Happy Homeschooling!

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