Saturday, October 4, 2008

I have been asked to review this site for you all. I went there, and signed up and poked around a bit. It was interesting. I like what I saw; though I was a bit underwhelmed. It seemed like just a glorified search engine. I thought to myself, do I really want to pay to use a homeschool search engine? I decided no, I did not and went about trying to figure out how I was going to write a negative review. I hate being negative so I put it off.

Then Bob (My 8th grade son) had to do some research for a co op class on simple machines. I hate to let him loose on Google; even with Internet filters, sometimes things slip through. I usually try to stay very nearby when he is doing a Google search.

It was at that point that I remembered about I had him go to that site and he was able to find exactly what he needed and I did not have to stand and look over his shoulder the whole time. Of course I did anyway, just to see if the site was set up in a way that he could use it successfully, independently. He could. They have icons that tell you what age the site is geared for, so you don’t waste your time clicking over to a site for preschoolers when you’re trying to write a high school term paper. That is a nice feature.

Later in the week, both my 11 and 9 year old girls had to look up some information on Samuel Mores for their co op science class, so again, I let them loose at the HelpMe2Teach site and they did beautifully.

So, my initial negative impression has been changed. While it is not really necessary for me the teacher to use this site for my own research, it has been incredibly helpful to have a safe place on the Internet to let my kids loose to research on their own, without me hovering in the background.

It says on the site that they update daily, so I assume the site will be growing and their will me more sites to choose from every time you go back.

I have decided it is a nice tool to have in my teaching arsenal after all. Go check it out.

Happy Homeschooling!

1 comment:

Halfmoon Girl said...

good to know- I will be checking this out.