Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nativity Set

Okay, so this is not actually a curriculum per say, but kids learn through play, right?

I was sent this little dandy to review for you all. At first (before I received it) I thought I’d do a little Oh-lookie-here-at-this-thing,-it’s-nice kinda review and move on. But really! Lookie Here at This Thing!

It is a Nativity set for the littles. We had one of those once, back when I had littles. I had my nice breakable Nativity set that they could NOT TOUCH! NOT TOUCH! and the Playmobile Kiddie version.

The thing is, the kiddy version was little (as in small people and things) and many of the little pieces drifted off over the years. We lost a few Wise Men and had to make do with a Wise Man. And then eventually Jesus went missing and what is a Nativity without Jesus? (Secretly I think the obnoxious little Pug dog we had at the time made off with the Savior of the World, but somehow that seems blasphemous to mention).

Where was I? Oh, This Thingie. I got it in the mail today and the 9 year old’s eyes lit up like it was Christmas (cuz it Kinda was!) and she spent a good portion of the afternoon playing with all the characters to the story.

I have to say it is a very nice Nativity for the smaller set. I definitely like it better than the Playmobile version. I think it’s a good deal for the $; something your littles will enjoy for years to come, unless of course someone makes off with the Jesus.

Happy Homeschooling!


Renae said...

Love this idea! I just purchased a child's wooden nativity set for my kids. They enjoy acting out the story with their new figurines.

Halfmoon Girl said...

I want to get an unbreakable set for my kids- the only one I have seen around here is Fisher Price, I think, and costs a fair amount.