Friday, October 1, 2010

Foundlings, Book One in The Peleg Chronicles

I have to be honest here. I am not a fan of fantasy. I am not a fan of the whole dragon/dinosaur type of book. Mostly, I have a hard time reading a book where I cannot envision myself because the setting does not actually exist. However, for me, that is a personal preference, not a moral conviction.

The Foundlings published by Zoe and Sozo, is a book that is sort of like that and sort of not. Mr. Harding refers to his book as a Historical Fiction "Fantasy" with Fantasy in quotes. He can explain his reasoning for that better than I can.

Why do you use the term Historical Fiction "Fantasy"?

Actually, I wish I hadn't. Fantasy has too many negative
connotations from a Biblical perspective. When we are at
conferences I'm able to explain that I put the word in quotes,
because some of what the world calls fantasy, God calls fact or
reality. The Peleg Chronicles has dragons/dinosaurs on the
earth with man, giants, some mega fauna, and a
technologically advanced civilization at a time when secular
evolutionists don't expect to see them. So what is normally
thought of as fantasy is actually part of the exciting truth that
is God's world. By using the word fantasy I have inadvertently
given the opposite message of what I intended. I reject
mysticism, magic, creatures that are half human and half
animal, occult beings, talking dragons, etc.

Honestly, I skimmed this book. I really have a hard time with fantasy, but as I said, that is personal taste, not conviction. Here is what I do like about this book. It is safe. It is clean. I can trust that I can hand it off to my children and not be worried that they are going to get a bunch of garbage that goes against what we believe. It’s a nice, clean, fun story that is exciting and enthralling and thrilling all without compromising values. That, I LOVE. In fact Mr. Harding states on his website that this book (and subsequent books in this series) are free of Magic, Humanism, and Evolution.

From the website…

Foundlings weaves together the Biblical
principles of chivalry, truth, courage, duty,
faith and love within the framework of Genesis,
and a bold adherence to its historicity. It's an
exciting page turner that leaves you wanting
more, but more importantly it leaves the
reader with Godly heroes to think on and
emulate, and a young earth creationist view of
history that conforms to the Word of God.
No Magic
No Evolution
No Humanism

How can you not like that?

You can go here to read more about this book, book series, (and there is even a unit study based on the book!!). You can go here to see what others had to say about Foundlings. And by the way, while I didn’t get in to the book, I handed it off to my daughters and have not seen it since. It is on one of their beds, being enjoyed, safely, before they drift off to sleep every night. I’d say that’s a win.

Happy Homeschooling!

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