Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Math Mammoth (Integers)

Last year I reviewed Math Mammoth. I am quite fond of the idea behind Math Mammouth. It’s simply laid out without too many bells and whistles. You can go here to read more about my review last year.

Basically, Math Mammoth is broken down into 4 different series.

Blue - is a topical approach. It is not a complete curriculum but a supplement.

Light Blue - Is a complete yearlong curriculum for grades 1-5.

Golden- this is a series of topical worksheets for grades 3-Algebra 1 with one topic per sheet, but the problems are varied throughout the topic.

Green - this is a series of worksheet collections (workbook) that is also topical with varied problems per page; however they are not broken down into grade level, only topically.

This year Maria at Math Mammoth sent me the Integers which is part of the Green program.

This is one of the things I really like about Math Mammoth. If you’re having a problem in a certain area you can click on over th Math Mammoth’s website and find a set of worksheets on that area for extra practice, downloaded and print it right out and you’re ready to go.

You can go to Math Mammoth’s website to see all of the many things they have to offer, and you can click on the icon below to see what others had to say about Math Mammoth.

Happy Homeschooling!

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